Wednesday, June 3, 2009

G-N-O (girls night out)

Thank you Hannah Montana, (words I never thought I'd udder) for supplying the excellent theme music for our fun filled night. This is at our New B F's house The Parker's, we had a party, much fun and laughs were had by all as you can see. Amy looking gorgeous and fun as usual.


ase got her hands dirrty literally. She is usually so reserved when it comes to this sort of thing. Moments before she freaked when a little paint splashed onto her hand.

Reese is mimicking me after she saw me practicing dives

Savanna and Chase horsing around. There is a diving board, I should have got a picture of the kids jumping off. Thanks to the Parker's for hosting such a Red Carpet event.


JAG said...

Super cute. I wish we had a pool... oh wait then we could swim in the rain.

miss you

Amy said...

I can't believe I didn't see this earlier. It wouldn't have been
G-N-O without you guys. You're the life of the party! "BFF" cheese!