I admire your skills and contemplate if I'll be as cool and unique as you.
Skills include:
Studies everything
Fresh cooking
Doesn't watch movies
Reads tons of books
Quotes scriptures
Wears Ezekiel
Nice to everyone
Loves Dad
Loves her family
Makes envelopes-
uses cool books to do so.
Gave me my namesake
Mary B12
Looks 49
Is Happy
Is Grateful
Likes cool shoes
Listens to Good Music
All time Driver
I believe I have many of her mannerisms and resemble her in ways and that is the best compliment you could give me. When I dropped her off at the Boise airport I cried, and when I got back in the car to continue on the journey The kids asked why are you sad. I told them, I never want to leave Mom. I always want to be near her...
Great Blog, you and Holly out-did me times 10. I am really going to have to come up with something good like a poem or something. Great job
That was incredibly touching. You really do resemble her in so many ways. And I do beleive that is one of the best compliments that can be given.
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