Monday, December 21, 2009

Party Continued

Amy made these lovely cupcakes, they were so festive for the party I really appreciated all of her help. Here is Chase showing one off, she had just been crying about something, but how can you stay sad with this little goody in hand? A closer look, Amy let me borrow her camera for the evening as well. Thanks again!
We had a RE-Gift exchange for the kids. Don't spend any money just bring a toy from home and get a new one at the party. That was my favorite part, seeing what the kids would think of to bring...

Eric brought this raccoon hat, one of the hits of the night.

I meant to get a picture of all the kids and there new toys. But 2 out of 16 isn't half bad if you consider the craziness. Here is Ashlen with a groovy girls horse and girl.

Here's sweet little Cloie just about to get into some mischief probably :)
A great time, I would definitely do it again.


Hansens said...

You're the coolest Mom ever!

glee said...
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Anonymous said...

kiran, loved your things about the trip jake is quick as a cat, Mom is the funniest person in the family, aurie prefers hot over cold , and things like that,. T\he pictures turned out great also. miss you love mom