Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Savanna's last cottage fair...

This is in the music room the kids sang and played these instruments. They kept the beat so well. Its kind of like walking and chewing gum at the same time. I just can't do it... Caden and Mason Wright came to cheer Savanna on, notice Caden standing on his tippee toes.
Reese took this self portrait and since she wasn't in any of the other shots I thought I would add this little gem.
Here is Savanna's 6 pillar song: Enjoy~


Unknown said...

Good job Savanna. They put you in the front row because you know the moves. What will you do with the rest of the summer?Ganye

Anonymous said...

Love it, Savanna! She has some groovy moves! Nice shuffle!

AZ Hey-mon said...

Love the 6 pillar shuffle. that took some skill! your girls are getting so big. you really should come to play group sometime or come back to the old area and swim with my girls.