Wednesday, June 16, 2010

last days of school

This is Liisa we spent much time deliberating and discussing the proper routes speeds and seating arrangements of 5 kids 5 days a week.
With no tardies on our record. This is pretty amazing for 10 months and the bell ringing at 7:40 a.m. Reminiscing on this amazing fact: I think I deserve a prize...
Look how happy these two are, the only thing disappointment means to them is not getting to stay up past bedtime to watch a movie in Mom and Dad's room. They are in for a rude awakening but we'll spare them just a little longer.

Chase and her peeps, with Mrs. Losey.

The only picture of us after graduation, whats with the closeups people? Are you trying to send a message?


Hansens said...

There's 104 days of summer vacation until school comes along just to end it! Happy Summer Vacation! I am actually excited to not have to run around for a month or so. Cute pics. Where's Reese?

Amy said...

That's impressive! No tardies. Go Mom!