Saturday, August 21, 2010

yes, Aidin is cute

2 cakes for 2nd daughter. That's how special she is. She wants to be a teacher or a swim instructor when she grows up. When I was in Vancouver visiting my parents ward, i sat in on the gospel principles class. The lesson was about relationships in the family. The teacher asked ways to connect with your kids and my mom raised her hand and said, "A great place to talk is in the car." This is simple and true for me, I really am my mother's daughter. I quit my carpool so I could have more quality time in the car with the girls. I get promptings and spiritual inspiration when I'm driving. I decided to take it one step further and start asking the girls what their dream, goals, and fears are? They all kind of laughed when I asked them what their dreams were. When I drive I think about all the relationships in my life, work them out from start to finish. Its in the car that I will feel like ending an argument with Danny (partly because I appreciate that he is working while I drive around in a Navi). Its when I think about sending letters to grandparents, what I want to go back to school for. Ways I can help my friend who"s adopting a baby soon.
Coming full circle to Chase's birthday, we connect in the Car she loves loud music! We talk about boys, I give her the last pep talk before her spelling test, get her pumped up for swimming. That's where I learned she wants to be a swim teacher.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

What a cute birthday girl!!! Tell her "Happy Birthday" from me! I am SOOOOOOOO sad I missed you in AZ. I am just sick...I did try and call you. I guess I will just have to come again. Love and miss ya! Jenni