Friday, December 3, 2010

It's been 3 months???

Since my last post. Our laptop got a virus then Chase dropped it off the landing so its D.E.A.D... I use my blackberry for everything! Occasionally I will get on Danny's work computer, he's out late eating sushi and watching the Jazz game with the guys. I haven't felt like going anywhere.

The inside of the house is decorated with lovely lights, that set a wonderful mood. I took to task the girls laundry while being all snuggled in for the night. Ladies don't be to envious of a gal who uses her Friday night to prepare for Monday morning school. I've been so sick of picking out the girls clothes in the morning! Its 9:30 and outfits are ready for next week, holla! And I didn't spend any money tonight. I did however enjoy a trip to the Bucks' with a friend today, Reese is really living the high life. I've got so many things to remember that I finally learned how to use my calendar setting on my phone, I'm a girl who needs lots of reminders. Last Sunday my advisor sent me a text saying what room the meeting was going to be in. Meanwhile I'm sitting on the couch in my pajamas without a care in the world, church doesn't start for 3 hours. I run upstairs throw on a skirt, throw my hair up, apply some black eyeliner and am out the door! I completely forgot! Oh well, life goes on...

Things that are good about my life:
1. Gym membership to the Y (tot spot included)
2. Danny got a raise
3. My hair is growing out
4. Still love AZ
5. Has a Subaru that is reliable
6. Has a Navigator that looks REALLY cool
7. A wicked good immune system
8. Cool people all around me
9. Plenty of Faith Hope and Charity
10. A new kind of assuredness that comes with age

Kindof sucky things:
1. State Farm sucks
2. kids with cavities
3. mom with cavities (again???)
4. lackluster skills in the kitchen
5. never sending my parents mail
6. living so far from family
7. TSA (see the above)
8. not reading enough
9. thinking that goals need to be some grandiose event to change the world
10. I need more massages

And lastly... I wonder what's been happening in Mystic Falls, I'll find out tonight! If you don't watch and aren't completely obsessed with Vampire Diaries- stop reading my blog. haha


JAG said...

i really miss you D

Hansens said...

I miss you an dI miss Mystic Falls too, and I also miss Pawnee and Ron Swanson. Wish I could see your house and tan at you pool for Christmas, but alas, I'll have to settle for a tanning bed...

Maddy said...

Oh my gosh, Dustin watches Vampire Diaries. You guys should have a party.

And I LOVE your list -- both the good and the bad. It made me laugh.