Sunday, December 12, 2010

my lesson today

The topic was Optimism, how fitting one might think for me to deliver this message to the girls. It was D.O.A.. Sometimes things are just off and today was one of those days. I started by trying to jog there memory of last weeks lesson and assignment; to pick One weakness we have and turn it around all week. None of them remembered the lesson or what "thing" they were going to improve on. Great, then why am I teaching this lesson when its in one ear and out the other??? Is it one of those things that they forget immediately, only to have the flashback later in life? So, I handed out a survey (paper and pencils) and we all took turns reading aloud questions such as, "do you get annoyed when someone asks you for help". Its understandable it have moments of pessimism. The important thing is," what are you going to do about it?" I wasn't able to get very far until I asked for everyone to please put their pencils and paper under there chairs. Most of my leading questions were answered with "I don't know" or "I think I've done it but can't remember an example". Is this normal the IDK answer? Because I hate it! Is it too much to ask to dig a little deeper? I concluded by with D&C 90:24 and also strongly encouraged the girls to change there physiology.
I'm optimistic that next week we will have a better outcome.


JAG said...

remember the key to happiness.....

low expectations

Hansens said...

Was this a family home evening lesson?